Cable (s) top,Centered on bamboo panel (front)
Connector (s) on top,Na panelu
Część - pionowo, kabel USB na dole po lewej,Centrowane na produkcie (przod)
Część - pionowo, kabel USB na dole po prawej,On plastic part, below hole
Front,Centered on front
Hinge on top and behind,Centered on aluminium part above silikon
Hinge top left,Centrowane na produkcie
Holder phone - horizontal (movable arm of left),Left side of panel
Inside - USB on top, big white circle on the left,Centered on big circle
Micro USB on bottom,Centered on metal panel
Micro USB u gory,Centrowane na okraglym panelu
Micro USB u gory,Centrowane na produkcie
Pad - micro USB on top,Centrowane na produkcie
Piece - cable bottom, side with descriptions,Centrowane na produkcie
Piece - cable bottom,Centered on bamboo panel (front)
Piece - cable bottom,Centrowane na produkcie
Piece - horizontal, hole on top,Centered below hole
Piece - horizontal, panel with buttons on back,Centered on top
Piece - horizontal, single cable on right, side without black dispaly,Wycentrowany na panelu
Piece - horizontal, single cable on right, transparent panel on back,Centered on black panel
Piece - horizontal, single cable on right,Centered on round panel (front)
Piece - horizontal, single cable on right,Centrowane na produkcie (przod)
Piece - horizontal, strap on left,Below holder phone
Piece - horizontal,On plate
Piece - vertical, hanger on top,Centrowane na produkcie (przod)
Piece - vertical, hole on top front,Centered below hole
Piece - vertical, micro USB on left and top,Wycentrowany na panelu
Piece - vertical, opening on top,Centrowane na produkcie (przod)
Piece - vertical, plug on right, side opposite of 20W,Centered on body (back)
Piece - vertical, plug on right, side opposite of 35W,Centered on body (back)
Piece - vertical, plug on right, side without 100W,Centered on body (back)
Piece - vertical, plug on right, side without 140W,Centered on body (back)
Piece - vertical, plug on right, side without 67W,Centered on body (back)
Piece - vertical, USB on left, side without 140W,Centered on body (back)
Piece - vertical, USB on left, side without 67W,Centered on body (back)
Piece - vertical, weld on top, side without holder,Na panelu
Piece - wireless charger on left bottom,Centered on side of organizer
Piece horizontal - side with inscriptions,Centered on barrel (between inscriptions)
Piece horizontal, big panel with X sign on back, plug on right,Na panelu
Piece horizontal, ring on left,Centered on flat panel
Piece horizontal, ring right,Centrowane na produkcie (przod)
Piece horizontal, ring right,Wycentrowany na panelu
Piece horizontal, ring top, side without cork,Centrowane na produkcie (tyl)
Piece horizontal, side without magnet, small USB right,Na prawym panelu
Piece vertical - phone stand front and bottom,Above stand
Piece vertical (side with larger rubber panel),Centered between rubber part and movable holder
Piece vertical, opening on top, strap right,On right side of strap
Piece- horizontal, hole on front left,Na prawym panelu
Produkt pionowo, pojedynczy kabel u gory,Centrowane na produkcie (przod)
Produkt pionowo, pojedynczy kabel u gory,Centrowane na srodkowym panelu przod
Produkt pionowo, USB po prawej na dole,Centrowane na produkcie (przod)
Produkt pionowo, USB po prawej na dole,Centrowane na srodkowym panelu przod
Produkt poziomo, guzik u gory po prawej,Centred on body
Produkt poziomo, USB z tylu na dole,Na gornym panelu
Ring bottom,On circle panel (side with hole)
Ring right,Wycentrowany na produkcie (przod)
ring top, opening on right,Centrowane na produkcie (przod)
Stand - hotizontal, place for the handle on top,On body
Stand - vertical, black panel on front, hole on left bottom,Centered on black panel
Stand, holder on front,On panel above holder
Stand, holder on front,On panel below hinge
Stand, rubber holder on front,On panel, between wireless symbols
Sticker on back (weld on top and bottom),On front panel
Uchwyt na kabel u gory,Centrowane na srodkowym panelu przod
USB port on bottom,Centrowane na produkcie