Box - spine top,Na produkcie (przod)
Camera top and front,On front panel of clip
Część - poziomo, ruchomy panel na górze ( strona bez USB),Na produkcie (przod)
Data blocker - USB input on right, side without weld,Centered on body
Handle(s) on top,On bottom pocket
Handle(s) top DGR,On pocket
Handle(s) top, side without pocket,On body front (side without mesh)
Handle(s) top,bottom pocket
Handle(s) top,Centered above bottom pocket
Handle(s) top,Centered on bottom pocket
Handle(s) top,Centered on flap
Handle(s) top,Centered on front
Handle(s) top,Centered on pocket
Handle(s) top,Centered on pocket, between straps
Handle(s) top,Centered on top panel
Handle(s) top,Na produkcie (przod)
Handle(s) top,On bottom pocket
Handle(s) top,On flap
Handle(s) top,On front pocket
Handle(s) top,On metal plate
Handle(s) top,On pocket
Handle(s) top,On top pocket
Lamp- horizontal, panel with white symbols on front,Right side next to white symbols
Mouse - wheel top,Below button(s)
Mouse - wheel top,On left side below button
Opening to top,Centered on pocket
opening top, side with "Herschel" logo,Na produkcie (przod)
Paper sleeve unfolded,On body
Piece - horizontal spout on left, second flat panel on front,Centrowane na produkcie
Piece - horizontal, cable on right, USB outputs on bottom,Wycentrowany na panelu
Piece - horizontal, cable on right, USB port on bottom,Centrowane na produkcie (przod)
Piece - horizontal, holders on bottom,Centered on middle rectangular panel
Piece - horizontal, hole on left,Centered on front
Piece - horizontal, keys back, USB inputs top,On top part of frame, on right side from USB
Piece - horizontal, opening on left,Wyśrodkowane, na wklęsłym panelu
Piece - horizontal, USB left bottom (side with lamp),On right side of lamp
Piece - horizontal, USB outputs on bottom, USB input on left,Centered on middle panel
Piece - horizontal, USB port behind, cable right,Centered on top
Piece - horizontal, USB wire on left, USB outputs on back,Centrowane na produkcie
Piece - horizontal, USB wire on left,Centrowane na produkcie
Piece - USB on top, side with convex panel,Na produkcie (przod)
Piece flat,Centered on top
Piece horizontal - clock on front, buttons on top,Centered between buttons
Piece horizontal - lens on right,On top - left color part
Piece horizontal, big flat lamp on right,Centered between lamps
Piece horizontal, buttons on front,Centered above button
Piece horizontal, stand on bottom,Wycentrowany na panelu
Piece horizontal,Centered on front
Piece horizontal,Centrowane na produkcie
Piece vertically - on top panel,On left side of USB plug in
Ring right, side with button,Left centered next to buttons
Zipper top, side with 'CL' logo,Centrowane na produkcie